Contact Us

We have two locations for your convenience!

Zion Ranch in Carlotta
Follow Hwy 36 for 3.5 miles passed Murrish Market, you'll see a sign on the left that says 'Sunny Slopes' and 'Zion Ranch'. Turn left up that gravel road and follow it up. You cant miss the facility on the left, you'll see lots of horses! Park in the gravel, the Riding Academy office is through the sliding glass door.

6H Farm and Stables in Fortuna
5500 Rohnerville Road, Just before the gulch on the back way to Hydesville from Fortuna

Call us at (707) 496-Zion (496-9466)

Your personal instructor's phone number will appear at the top of your monthly invoice
Tessa 496-9466
Abi (Abigail Price) at (707) 834-6266
Abby (Gabrielle Samaniego) at (707) 362-1659

Email at

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