If you've ever ridden with me, you'll notice I always wear a helmet. My reasons for wearing one just outweigh any reason I can think of for not wearing one. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't look down upon or think less of anyone who chooses not to. I love you whether you ride with one or without. Further, I very much dislike when people belittle and demean those who choose not to wear a helmet, in fact I dislike that action for any reason.
But for me, I will keep strapping on my brain bucket as long as I ride.
Here's why-
I want to ride horses for the rest of my life. I want to teach and train and ride til I'm an ol' lady. The way I see it, if a helmet could make a difference in how long I get to ride, it's worth it to me.
I have a lot of kids who look up to me as a role model, and I don't want riding without a helmet to be something they strive for, the cool thing that only experienced riders get to do.
I want to be there for my family. I don't exactly have the safest job in the world and if I were to get into an accident where a helmet would have made a difference in how long I'm around to love my family, that's not worth my hair blowing in the wind.
I didn't always insist on wearing one, in fact there will be many old horse friends who laugh at this post. :)
But I've seen helmets save enough lives and prevent enough serious injuries enough to know they're worth wearing. And I've seen enough wrecks without helmets to know that I don't want to be in those shoes.
I'm in it for the horses, and I still love you whether you ride with a helmet or without. :)